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Joe Manchin And The West Virginia University Admissions Scandal

An Interview with Mylan CEO Heather Bresch about Her MBA Scandal

Joe Manchin and the West Virginia University Admissions Scandal

In an interview with CNBC, Mylan CEO Heather Bresch addressed the scandal surrounding her MBA degree from West Virginia University (WVU). Bresch admitted that she had submitted a fraudulent transcript to the school in order to gain admission to the MBA program. She also acknowledged that she had been dishonest with the school about her academic record.

Bresch's admission comes after a months-long investigation by the Wall Street Journal, which found that she had inflated her grades on her transcript and had not actually completed all of the required coursework for the MBA degree. The school has since revoked Bresch's degree and has launched its own investigation into the matter.

Questions Arise about Joe Manchin's Actions

The revelations about Bresch's scandal have also raised questions about the actions of then-West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin, who is now a Democratic senator. Manchin's daughter, Heather Bresch, was awarded a master's degree from WVU in 2008, even though she had not completed all of the required coursework. The school has since retroactively awarded Bresch's daughter the degree.

Manchin has denied any wrongdoing, but the scandal has damaged his reputation and has raised questions about his judgment. It is unclear whether the scandal will have any impact on Manchin's political career.


The Mylan CEO and West Virginia University admissions scandals are a reminder of the importance of honesty and integrity in both business and education. These scandals have damaged the reputations of both Mylan and WVU, and they have raised questions about the ethical standards of those involved. It is important to remember that there are always consequences for dishonest behavior, and that integrity is essential for success in any field.
